Patan Heritage Tour for PDG Dave Ashley

The Rotary Club of Yala organized and hosted a Patan Heritage Tour for PDG Dave Ashley from District 1220 in Nottingham, UK, on November 3, 2023. During the Patan Heritage Tour, they explored Pimbahal, Nakabahi, Nyakha Chuka, Nagbaha, Golden Temple, and Swotha Square. Newari cuisine, including Yomari, Bara, Chatamari, and Aaila, was served during the tour.

President Rtn Shobha Shrestha, IPP Rtn Gautam Shrestha, PP Rtn Pramod Sagar Pradhan, Rtn Nugal Vaidya from RC Durbar Marg, and Friends of RC Yala, Suresh Shrestha and Shailendra Shrestha, were present during the tour, and Shailendra Shrestha guided us in exploring these places.